Sunday, December 20, 2009

World Below...

A bit more "Tiberium" artwork.

These are views underneath a huge platform structure that supports a future city, shielding it from a harsh and poisonous environment...

As with a lot of the design work on "Tiberium", I modeled and lit many of these elements in 3D. This allowed for a high degree of consistency in our concept art and the final in-game assets.

The views shown here are more or less "straight-out-of-the-box" 3D renders, with minimal retouching. An additional layering of detail would be painted in to achieve a richer look in the concept artwork - when time allowed for it (quite often it did not!).

Here I MUST mention - We had a great art team: Jeff Hua, Ino Karella, Takeyoshi Sato, Jason Park, Raj Rihal, Kevin Swartz, Kenrick Leung & Chris Miller producing concepts, producer Jon Grall, and the project art leads: Jason Priest, John Decker, Ken Bishop, Robert Coddington & Billy Brooks... I'm sure I've forgotten people but it's just my brain damage and certainly not intentional!


Alex06 said...

Wow, this is beautiful!
Where was this "New Monaco" supercity supposed to be located by the way? Germany, France, Italy, USA or somewhere else?

Steve B said...

New Monaco was built on top of the remains of the current city, which did not survive the cataclysmic environmental disaster wrought by the spread of Tiberium (the Mediterranean Sea is dry, among many other changes...)

KevinSwartz said...

This looks familiar! The work on your website looks great too.

John Decker said...

So great that some of this beautiful work we all did is finally being seen!

g said...

i love those..